At a certain moment in the year, I stopped writing in my journal. I started listening to a lot of alternative music. I remember being completely enthralled with a couple of Big Country records. One of them was The Crossing. The other -and the one I'm listening to at the moment- was The Seer. When I stopped writing my original thoughts, I started copying lyrics into my journal. It was a way to keep writing, even though I wasn't coming up with anything on my own. It maybe was a cop-out.
Now that I'm much older I made a little effort to do well in keeping up with the blog for a little over a month, and suddenly, a monthgoes by and I've forgotten to keep at it. There's no real excuse either. My life has been returning to a new kind of 蚂蚁vp(永久免费). I've been playing tennis again with some regularity. This is a good thing, in that I've been playing early in the morning. The 7:30 a.m. court time means I have to leave before 7 since it's a 30 minute walk. I often get through a couple of news-related podcasts on my walk there and back. A cab ride would probably cost me about $1.25, but I prefer to walk. Besides, I can use that $1.25 later in the day to pick up some bread (my favorite bread in the world is readily available in Quito). Plus, it's a safe-ish time of day to walk around and I always miss my late night walks from when I lived in Portland, ME.
SonicWALL_IPSec_VPN_方案_图文_百度文库:2021-10-9 · XXXX 有限公司 VPN 解决方案 青岛银河星辰科技有限公司 2021 年 4 月 1 日 青岛银河星星辰科技有限公司 前 言 随着计算机技术和通讯技术的飞速发展,网络正逐步改变着人伊的工作方式和生活方式, 成为当今社会发展的一个主题。I would go to the library downtown about once a week. Especially when I had to get some books for research. Back in my day, one's library card was puffin浏览器官网. In my case, it was a way to learn about and listen to music. There were about four or five albums that I would borrow repeatedly: Fleetwood Mac's Tango in the Night, the aforementioned Big Country records, and The Cure's Disintegration. All of them, vinyl. It was a kind of a neat time to be alive.
So, Santiago decided it was time to get a third chihuahua. I think the unspoken, informal deal is, I'll be cool about the third chihuahua, and in exchange, I get to spend more time doing stuff I used to do before we became my mom's guardians, such as tennis and music (been playing guitar, trying to remember Spouse songs for some upcoming shows). I've also been working on a few things: trying to advance a couple of improvements professionally, and trying to spend more time with myself. I forgot how much I enjoyed spending time on my own projects, on work, on exercise, etc. It also has the added bonus of making the time that Santiago and I spend together, (making meals and eating, running errands, or just chilling out for a little while with the dogs), all the more meaningful.
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So, here's the new pup, Aurora...